Lethathamo la lihlahisoa tsa API

API American Petroleum Institute standard -API (American Petroleum Institute) khutsufatso.API e hahiloe ka 1919, ke e 'ngoe ea Mokhatlo oa pele oa Naha oa Bakhoebo oa Amerika, hape ke o mong oa mekhatlo ea pele le e atlehileng ka ho fetisisa ea ho nts'etsapele litekanyetso tsa lefats'e tsa Commerce Association.

API Monogram Forensics Product Catalog

API Spec 1B lebanta la kgutlotharo la lebala la oli - lebanta la kgutlotharo

API Spec 2B phala ea tšepe ea sebopeho - pipe ea tšepe

API Spec 2C Offshore Crane - mochini oa boemo ba leoatle o nyahameng

API Spec 2F chain - flash butt welding chain

API Spec 2H Offshore carbon manganese pipe fittings -42 grade steel plate, 50 steel grade steel plate

API Spec 2MT1 meaho e kantle ho lebopo e kentsoeng tšepe ea khabone ho ntlafatsa ho tiea - poleiti ea tšepe ea grade 2MT1 ea manganese

API Spec 2W poleiti ea tšepe e ka thoko ea leoatle ka mokhoa oa taolo ea mocheso (TMCP) tlhahiso ea

API Spec 2Y meaho ea kantle ho naha e tingoeng le poleiti ea tšepe e futhumetseng

API Spec 4F ho cheka le ho sebetsa holim'a derrick

API Spec 5B casing, li-tubing le ts'ebetso ea khoele ea liphaephe tsa mohala, tekanyo le tlhahlobo

API Spec 5CT casing le tubing

API Spec 5D drill

API Spec 5L peipi ea mola

API Spec 5LC CRA (li-alloys tse hanyetsanang le ho bola).

Phaephe e tsoelang pele ea API Spec 5LCP

API Spec 5LD e koahetsoeng ka alloy e thibelang kutu kapa phala ea tšepe e nang le mola

API Spec 6A lisebelisoa tsa seliba le sefate sa ho bokella oli

API Spec 6AV1 ts'ebetso ea fatše le liteko tsa netefatso ea li-valve tsa ts'ireletso ka tlas'a metsi leoatleng

Li-valve tsa lipeipi tsa API Spec 6D (li-valve tsa heke, li-valve tsa plug, li-valve tsa bolo le li-check valves)

API Spec 6H tube end plugs, pipe e kopanyang le mesebetsi e kopanetsoeng

Karolo ea API Spec 7 ea lipeipi tse bilikang

Tlhaloso ea API Spec 7B-11C e nang le enjene e tukang ea ka hare ea sebaka sa oli.

API Spec 7C-11F kenya mochine o tukang ka hare, mekhoa e khothalletsoang ea tlhokomelo

API Spec 7F liliba tse nang le ketane le sprocket

API Spec 7K lisebelisoa tsa ho cheka

API Spec 8A Ho cheka le Ho Hoimisa Tlhahiso

API Spec 8C Drilling and Production Hoisting (PSL1 le PSL2)

API Spec 9A ropo ea tšepe

API Spec 10A seliba sa samente

API Spec 10D bow spring casing centralizers

API Spec 11AX pompo ea molamu le lisebelisoa

API Spec 11B sucker rod

Setsi sa ho pompa sa API Spec 11E

API Spec 11IW e ikemetseng ea Wellhead Equipment

API Spec 11L6 beam pumping unit of electric prime mover

Sesebelisoa sa API Spec 11N sa merafo ea oli ea othomathike

API Spec 11V1 valve lift ea khase, orifice, valve ea ho khutla le valve ea ho leka-lekanya

API Spec 12B litanka tsa polokelo tse kentsoeng ka liboutu

API Spec 12D litanka tsa ho cheselletsa masimo a oli

API Spec 12F litanka tse cheselitsoeng ke feme

API Spec 12GDU glycol dehydration gase ea tlhaho unit

API Spec 12J karohano ea oli le khase

API Spec 12K hitara ea oli e sa tobang

API Spec 12L e otlolohileng le e rapameng kantle ho Lebese

API Spec 12P litanka tsa polasetiki tse matlafalitsoeng ka khalase

Lisebelisoa tsa mokelikeli oa API Spec 13A

Tlhaloso ea lisebelisoa tsa API Spec 14A ka tlas'a metsi

API Spec 15HR High Pressure Fiberglass Line Pipe

Phaephe ea API Spec 15LE polyethylene (PE).

API Spec 15LR Phaephe ea fiberglass ea khatello e tlase

API Spec 16A e phunya ka lisebelisoa

Ho boloka sephethephethe sa API Spec 16C le litlhaloso tsa ho tobetsa hantle

Sistimi ea taolo ea lisebelisoa tsa API Spec 16D

API Spec 16R marine drilling riser joints

API Spec 17D subsea wellhead le lisebelisoa tsa sefate sa ho bokella oli

API Spec 17E melapo ea taolo ea tlhahiso ea subsea

API Spec 17J pipitlelano e tenyetsehang

API Spec 17K peipi e tenyetsehang e sa tlanngoeng

Nako ea poso: Oct-24-2019