disadvantages of welded pipes

Welded steel pipe is continuous online production, the thicker the thickness, the greater the unit and dissolves equipment investment, the less it has economical and practical. The thinner wall thickness, its input-output ratio will be reduced. The advantages and disadvantages of the process of the product decided it.

Common surface defects and disadvantages of welded steel pipe

1, Layered steel (layered steel pipe refers to the wall is divided into two layers of steel tube on the cross section, layered exposed to the steel pipe surface longitudinal cracks. Some local concave or convex surface rendering, both inside and outside the pipe, inside and outside welds in layered precipitously convex, concave or become warped skin).

2, glue scar (steel tube of glue scar is refers to the local steel tube inside and outside surface adhesion of massive scabbing).

3, holes (steel tube hole is refers to the steel tube of the existence of local throughout GuanBi holes).

4, welding (open welding steel pipe refers to steel pipe weld of tong long or partial cracks).

5, local lap welding (local welding steel pipe refers to local arc weld steel pipe surface rendering).

6, welding groove welding groove (steel pipe refers to appear at the surface of the steel pipe through long concave).

7, flat welding (flat welding steel pipe refers to weld steel bone surface rendering long concave groove, the corresponding surface is a convex edge).

8, pipe joint dislocation (steel tube joint dislocation refers to the steel pipe weld, occurred the phenomenon of staggered up and down).

Post time: Dec-09-2020